Spelunky HD - Score

The score that is shown on either the death screen or victory screen at the end of any non-daily challenge run. Infinite score strategies (e.g. monkey duping) are forbidden. Completing the run is not required. The Ankh may only be acquired and used once.

Rank Player Score Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   d_tea $7,877,950 100.00% Strong earlygame, bad 4-1, robot and 8m dead on 5-3
2   Kinnijup $7,432,725 94.35% Nice CoG strats
3   Mazerak $5,745,050 72.93% insane 4-1
4   chocolatecake5000 $4,273,325 54.24%
5   ix $4,269,050 54.19%
6   Buddy7heElf $4,143,300 52.59% We did it!
7   Spef $4,106,150 52.12% kinda lame lategame
8   GC $4,100,950 52.06% 1-1 PC + Jetpack, 1.28m out of Mines. I'm retired from score
9   WGPL $3,510,350 44.56% 5-1 Death, Book skip WR.
10   Wumper $3,470,500 44.05% Default: same as Score (NMG)
11   krille71 $3,461,950 43.94% Amazing \o/
12   SpelunkyGod $3,445,975 43.74% O__O
13   twiggle $3,399,600 43.15% Mirror: youtu.be/5OfXZxnbnyA
14   fusuy321 $3,356,350 42.60% 2 Altars lol
15   SchnitzelDX $3,342,550 42.43%
16   saturnin55 $3,337,450 42.36% 2 altars only. Thicc tho.
17   Vlad $3,312,975 42.05% eff me forever
18   zutklown $3,265,800 41.45% progress. died in CoG
19   Bum $3,225,000 40.94% 3.2m!!! Braid strim pls Kinnijubbu
20   Kenneth1250 $3,157,400 40.08% xbox
21   jjg27 $3,131,425 39.75% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
22   ShinGraywords $3,131,300 39.75% Finally broke 3m - probably last score run ever
23   Groomp $3,129,300 39.72% ITS FINALLY OVER... I DID IT!
24   Brutwarst $3,110,250 39.48% score runs heheheheheheheheheh
25   YamaYamaDingDong $3,109,850 39.48%
26   Bananasaurus Rex $3,105,850 39.42% Plasma cannon 1-1, Jetpack 1-2
27   Sedoxa $3,101,350 39.37% :3
28   falafel_raptor $3,097,125 39.31%
29   sleep $3,089,450 39.22% 3 mil get!
30   BlueCadet-3 $3,084,200 39.15% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
31   Konato_K $3,023,000 38.37% 3 altars but 1 pre-hell. Kali why. 3.2M max. 3M or we riot
32   PulseLane $3,009,500 38.20% Only one altar
33   AgentZachMorgan $3,003,500 38.13%
34   Polodajaneiro $3,002,000 38.11% yay
35   Latedog $2,998,625 38.06%
36   Hectique $2,995,000 38.02% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
37   bootsthatshoot $2,953,775 37.49% so very close yet so far. 1-3 start.
38   Linkruler $2,946,400 37.40% Terrible hell and CoG ruined 3mil
39   meowmixmix $2,825,800 35.87% Litty Titty
40   BronxTaco $2,764,625 35.09% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
41   usernamecantbe25 $2,752,025 34.93% :D
42   Samots $2,715,500 34.47% Lmao
43   TSMadness $2,713,725 34.45% Ayyyy new pb!
44   Kirobsi $2,685,900 34.09% I want to die anem,>DSZF
45   Kymiro $2,577,300 32.72% Default: same as Score (NMG)
46   GreatStriker $2,558,900 32.48% rock ;-;
47   Pibonacci $2,553,525 32.41%
48   JakeCedar $2,527,625 32.08% 1-4 Udjat, Skipped 5-2 and 5-3
49   Nitrome $2,521,025 32.00% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
50   DieDai $2,519,750 31.98% Give me the mosspoints :D
51   Zelduh $2,498,250 31.71% took a bit of time
52   Yandie $2,345,100 29.77% Got that first 2mil!
53   Suspense $2,329,625 29.57% 26 points of damage of CoG
54   DaftLunk $2,285,600 29.01% :sob: ded on olmec
55   SAIBOT $2,258,675 28.67% Unbelievable amount of failed runs led to this garbage lmao
56   Loki Nighton $2,253,875 28.61% Can I offer you a Plasma Cannon in this trying time?
57   samcv $2,221,500 28.20% Olmec finish, not bad
58   CadetLegend15 $2,152,625 27.32% The idea was to ghost Yama..
59   vardulon $2,126,925 27.00%
60   tuabiht $2,111,775 26.81% Olmec finish
61   matthew2837 $2,082,975 26.44% Default: same as Score (NMG)
62   Khold $2,079,525 26.40% PC to CoG #2
63   Patdog56 $2,064,175 26.20% 3-4-2 was crazy tho
64   denis1080 $2,051,400 26.04% We've got a big shipment here... 500k mosspants!
65   HOBT0R $2,000,475 25.39% Just barely 2 mil... I think I'm done with score for a bit
66   bigsalad $1,958,850 24.86% The result of a bunch of failed speed runs.
67   The Mad Murf $1,911,750 24.27% Sooo close to 2 mil :-/
68   84BombsJetpack $1,900,525 24.12%
69   Skylark $1,895,900 24.07% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
70   Stiljoz $1,893,675 24.04% Not happy with the ending but should have died at 4-1 anyway
71   Brick $1,877,600 23.83% I have my sights on two million now.
72   Kirby703 $1,869,150 23.73% 1-1 PC. Didn't make it to the temple...
73   kobs92 $1,855,825 23.56% For Bonus Mosspoints
74   Jaydyn $1,826,925 23.19% We have obtained mosspoints
75   ContraMuffin $1,814,200 23.03% Couldn't find robot in moship :(
76   Dr. Probably $1,805,775 22.92% AS THE ROBOT
77   Baq $1,782,600 22.63% that's how you end score runs
78   thatmarkguy $1,670,000 21.20% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
79   bobbaro $1,663,275 21.11% Default: same as Score (NMG)
80   Wizcat $1,602,725 20.34% Sketchy battle with Yama, barely made it!
81   MikeIsMyIke $1,600,700 20.32% Whoops x2
82   CreatorBrian $1,593,675 20.23% Only one vault. *facepalm*
83   MNC mascot $1,588,750 20.17% Brought HH from 2-4 to 3-3 :| Try robot next time?
84   bumperoyster $1,529,000 19.41% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
85   LWHazel $1,520,475 19.30% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
86   Abob71 $1,477,400 18.75% I still don't wanna locka da robott
87   jgunz3 $1,469,050 18.65% Rush Temple&Hell
88   Ilmorinen $1,440,525 18.29% default Score (same as RSVP)
89   Mikulus $1,333,875 16.93% Achievement get: Millionaire (without jetpack)
90   Darnamer $1,305,325 16.57% Died stupidly
91   YanYan $1,304,575 16.56% Default: same as Score (NMG)
92   Beens $1,301,325 16.52%
93   Ryufl $1,280,075 16.25% default Score (same as RSVP)
94   Rac_the_Kitty $1,255,250 15.93% Can be improved a lot
95   Jellyfisch42 $1,243,375 15.78% PC INTO COG LETS GO
96   andu $1,236,300 15.69% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
97   kvec $1,234,750 15.67%
98   Bodybrest $1,221,375 15.50% I love Crocodile
99   pakratt0013 $1,203,650 15.28% default Score (same as RSVP)
100   BakaPuff $1,190,300 15.11% default Score (same as RSVP)
101   HiDefLoMein $1,182,350 15.01% Lots of gems missed, but first >1 mil
102   GhostMami $1,166,225 14.80% Default: same as Score (NMG)
103   theZaxanator $1,139,225 14.46% Low effort
104   Flick $1,115,050 14.15% Default: same as Score (NMG)
105   Timestoppa $1,112,850 14.13% Achievement Get: $1M
106   BTA88 $1,110,400 14.09% default Score (same as RSVP)
107   E5ten $1,103,425 14.01% Never doing score again. Ever.
108   santabrake $1,100,600 13.97% First $1m+ and PB
109   Makiki $1,089,375 13.83% same as score no major glitch
110   courgette $1,084,950 13.77%
111   AlphaChannel $1,062,600 13.49% Added to my list of threats to clear: bounce pads
112   DiMono $1,059,025 13.44% Two parts. Better ice caves than jungle somehow
113   ShadeyBrook (MAD) $1,057,850 13.43% F getting to hell. Million score club here I am!
114   grozger $1,046,100 13.28% Didn't see the psychic blast
115   pojopoopoohead $1,034,000 13.13% default Score (same as Jumbo Money) lol
116   Carlibraun $1,027,150 13.04% default Score (same as Jumbo Money) :D
117   Pajecka7891 $1,019,900 12.95% I HATE SCORE :)
118   Mohrro $1,019,750 12.94% Just ghosted the vaults
119   Park Explorer $1,005,725 12.77% Default: same as Vanilla Score
120   TicTacFoe $1,002,625 12.73% yeah. here it is lol.
121   puphynx $973,075 12.35% Default: same as Vanilla Score
122   chegx $964,850 12.25% MR JEFFRESON HELP ME WITH MY HOMEWORK!!!!
123   Dolphiner $953,225 12.10% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
124   TheMFC06 $949,900 12.06% Close to getting my first mil
125   RoaringDragon2 $919,350 11.67% default Score (same as RSVP)
126   Myelin $917,850 11.65%
127   JPlay $906,025 11.50% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
128   WoolGrass $895,100 11.36% Pretty good for a loser who hates ghosting :P
129   patchesfaces $878,500 11.15% not good, nice ice caves vault
130   amourietta $872,475 11.07%
131   elizibar $871,775 11.07% default Score (same as RSVP)
132   strikeninja99 $863,325 10.96% default Score (same as RSVP)
133   gjchangmu $844,650 10.72% let's get some free points
134   slink $841,475 10.68% settle with this for now. will run again soon
135   Vols and Jezuz $840,975 10.67% default Score (same as RSVP)
136   LimeDimeNine $840,125 10.66% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
137   sense $805,425 10.22%
138   BisleyT $798,125 10.13% Another Daily
139   Cloiss $794,125 10.08% died in the mothership again
140   kroogah $782,075 9.93%
141   Maplestrip $776,200 9.85% Finally got Big Money! :D
142   HeinzSkitsvelvet $764,300 9.70% Plasma cannon cooldown fail
143   StarchyDanrick $756,675 9.61% default Score (same as RSVP)
144   KYGaming $754,875 9.58% This run was completed on 4/26/19
145   bkienend (dkienenb-WaffleXyzzy) $740,750 9.40%
146   Digi $721,225 9.16% default Score (same as RSVP)
147   AlwaysOlmec $711,650 9.03%
148   Tree3 $684,225 8.69% default Score (same as RSVP)
149   EvilKmart $659,975 8.38% pretty neat
150   Vandelay $594,775 7.55% Chat got me killed
151   Dr.Wholian? $579,875 7.36% big money, big prizes...I LOVE IT!
152   A guy $579,775 7.36% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
153   Sawr $578,725 7.35% first big money + max hell too
154   blankCuberic $553,850 7.03% Default as form Big Money
155   sporeball $553,075 7.02% RIP hell
155   FlannelViolin $553,075 7.02% also big money
157   Betty $543,725 6.90% Big money Run makes New Score PB :)
158   InTol $536,225 6.81% Big money run
159   Nimdok $527,100 6.69%
160   BlueMagma $524,225 6.65% Big money achievement
161   morra $518,075 6.58% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
162   ParticleSandwich $517,675 6.57% default Score (also Big Money)
163   MimaSweet $506,975 6.44% forgot to use the head
164   Vasts $503,125 6.39%
165   Phospho $502,375 6.38% SHAMELESS POINTS
166   Xanagear $501,000 6.36% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
167   garebear $500,700 6.36% default Score (same as Score (NMG))
168   LilPwinc3ss $494,425 6.28% default Score (same as RSVP)
169   CrimsonStorm $454,425 5.77% Also first hell run!
170   dconley $417,000 5.29% default Score (same as RSVP)
171   StewardOfGod $413,025 5.24% default Score (same as RSVP)
172   Princess Snuggledashie $411,000 5.22% Sorry for the pause at the start, also Woo ghosting also ARG
173   samspot $394,750 5.01% first hell completion
174   Stoovan $312,425 3.97% I didn't see the bomb in time....
175   Gato $250,825 3.18% Practicing ghosting
176   shadowed112 $245,650 3.12% Hell Run
177   NekoNya $230,125 2.92%
178   ShadowDx $218,775 2.78% Same as Max Hell %
179   ClubPrincess $153,975 1.95% We knew this day would come, we knew it all along
180   Eszik $146,800 1.86% Placeholder run, it's just my Hell PB
181   sillypears $112,150 1.42% First clear ;)
182   Heru $66,075 0.84% Default: same as Vanilla Score
183   Heavpoot $62,700 0.80% bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
184   Papa Gurgle $50,000 0.63% default Score (same as RSVP)
185   MilcMan $25 0.00% one day I'll get you Sai..