Spelunky Classic - Tunnel Man Low%

A run ending with the player completing the game, without doing any of the following:

  1. Increasing health, bombs, or ropes.
  2. Collecting/wearing any item that adds an icon to the HUD.
  3. Pressing the whip/action button while holding a mattock, machete, bow, pistol, shotgun, web cannon, Sceptre, or teleporter, except to drop it. This does not apply to Tunnel Man's default mattock, which is allowed.

Only the Tunnel Man character is allowed.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   YellowSlug 2:20.000 100.00% 4am vibes
1   zhen_ 2:20.000 100.00% "I'd like 42 pizzas, 6 with no crust" - Wakko Warner
3   Hectique 2:29.000 93.96% sub 2:30 club!
4   Flick 2:32.000 92.11% :)
5   BlueRed 2:38.000 88.61% mario 64 cloiss sound
6   krille71 2:52.000 81.40% sub 3!
6   Groomp 2:52.000 81.40% slow olmec
6   SoulAro 2:52.000 81.40% sub 3, nice olmec
9   WGPL 2:56.000 79.55% The most Weggie 4-3 ever.
10   MildlyMoronic 2:57.000 79.10%
11   HamburgerMan 3:01.000 77.35% 1 second pb!
12   samcv 3:06.000 75.27% I will never be good at olmec
13   zutklown 3:12.000 72.92% woot
13   ShadeyBrook (MAD) 3:12.000 72.92% Practice makes closer to perfect, but not exactly.
15   LWHazel 3:21.000 69.65% gnorw tnew gnihtemoS
16   Cloiss 3:26.000 67.96% lost many better runs on olmec, labbed an idiot-proof fight
17   Eduboy25 3:29.000 66.99% Lost almost 10 runs to the stupid jumps in Olmec >:(
18   Nitrome 3:32.000 66.04%
19   Spencer_PK 4:11.250 55.72% VERY slow but mostly safe Olmec strategy.
20   Gorgegrouse 4:28.000 52.24% Wacky Olmec Strats
21   me rn 4:30.000 51.85% Not a great time, but im glad I got completion :) bad olmec
22   matthew2837 4:52.000 47.95% Impossible category
23   BronxTaco 5:30.000 42.42% fast but spooky olmec
24   garebear 6:03.000 38.57% Don't watch this. Jungle was especially embarrassing...
25   tvrobot10 6:18.000 37.04% Tunnel Man Pacifist Low% Clear! City of Gold next?
26   saturnin55 7:44.000 30.17% First completion. Slow. Olmec improv.
27   Mikkiellis 10:42.000 21.81% Default: same as TM Low% Petrock