Spelunky HD - Max Low%

A Low% run ending with the player completing the game having visited the Worm and the Mothership.

Rank Player Time First Clear Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   Pibonacci 4:26.538 2014-12-17
2   Bum 5:41.399 2015-04-18 default Max Low% (same as Haunted Max Low%)
3   d_tea 4:10.192 2015-11-13 Shopkeeper aggro!
4   Kinnijup 4:12.014 2016-01-30
5   twiggle 4:21.192 2016-02-28
6   krille71 7:58.634 2016-03-15 placeholder
7   curticus 15:06.680 2016-03-15 hell too lol
8   Buddy7heElf 4:33.002 2016-03-15 will improve
9   saturnin55 7:31.286 2016-03-19 Game let me live in the end...
10   Alcoer 7:16.019 2016-03-26 Haunted too!
11   SpelunkyGod 3:28.416 2016-04-02
12   SAIBOT 8:38.002 2016-04-07 Slow
13   sleep 5:44.785 2016-05-06 Not completely horrible
14   Sedoxa 6:30.317 2016-05-17 3 hp finish
15   Groomp 4:34.711 2016-06-16 25 sec worm :oo great run
16   ix 7:39.480 2016-07-11 Game let me live in the end...
17   falafel_raptor 5:48.998 2016-07-17
18   bootsthatshoot 8:06.890 2016-08-01 bad and olmec is really bad
19   ShinGraywords 9:42.686 2016-08-08 On the board! MaxSlow% :3
20   Patdog56 6:52.515 2016-08-23 best video quality ever tho
21   Abob71 9:11.577 2016-09-19 rainy day PB :)
22   Hectique 5:28.387 2016-09-22 Free Olmec
23   Polodajaneiro 8:00.544 2016-10-03 first run completed
24   Mazerak 6:48.660 2016-10-10 placeholder for sub 5
25   Khold 6:43.146 2016-11-10 first completion! lucky to finish, 65s 4-3 tho lol
26   meowmixmix 5:16.897 2016-12-12 1 health going into worm O__O
27   DiMono 7:25.365 2016-12-26 Not super fast, but certainly respectable for a first one.
28   denis1080 8:35.992 2016-12-29 Golly jeeperz, it's DONE!
29   Konato_K 8:44.984 2017-01-04 No gold until 4-2
30   usernamecantbe25 5:47.823 2017-01-24 slow
31   Dr. Probably 9:34.596 2017-02-07 My olmec strats need work. No gold up to the ice caves :/
32   Spef 6:08.806 2017-03-16 symmetrical time
33   Vlad 6:39.286 2017-03-23 Includes one pro jump
34   MikeIsMyIke 9:20.625 2017-05-21 lol @ staircase olmec
35   GreatStriker 7:30.764 2017-05-24 impossible
36   Linkruler 6:18.587 2017-08-26 Terrible temple, nice safe plays otherwise
37   Kirobsi 7:57.060 2017-09-01 Finally
38   Pajecka7891 8:42.899 2017-09-25 not speedlunky but i'll take it
39   pojopoopoohead 5:50.899 2017-09-26 Played it safe on the home stretch.
40   ContraMuffin 8:29.039 2017-09-27 Staircase strat worked surprisingly well
41   Nitrome 5:10.482 2017-10-08 Not bad for a first run. Easy temple levels.
42   DieDai 6:45.590 2017-10-08 well this happened and ok
43   Kirby703 10:38.185 2017-12-04 went to the moship this time :ok_hand:
44   chocolatecake5000 9:09.768 2017-12-10 Y E E T
45   JakeCedar 6:27.679 2017-12-11 WutFace
46   patchesfaces 5:50.670 2018-01-24 1 health out of worm, 45s 4-1 LUL
47   Eszik 5:54.423 2018-02-21 The grind has come to an end, never again pls
48   DaftLunk 4:20.978 2018-02-21 First and last completion :p
49   E5ten 8:36.650 2018-04-11 aw yeah
50   GC 6:58.773 2018-04-15 Damageless
51   slink 7:17.242 2018-05-05 chill run, nothing too stressful :]
52   TicTacFoe 5:10.849 2018-06-04 Fun run/category, if not a lil frustrating ;)Ma
53   Carlibraun 4:52.044 2018-06-16 I can work with this!
54   MNC mascot 6:31.734 2018-06-22
55   samcv 5:24.091 2018-09-14 1hp post-worm mossSpook
56   Suspense 6:32.526 2018-10-06 Yes!! Audio is de-synced :/
57   Baq 6:43.915 2018-11-27 pretty good first run
58   BlueCadet-3 5:02.146 2018-12-19 another 1hp from worm fin
59   HOBT0R 9:11.469 2019-01-05 Scary Olmec fight
60   Yandie 12:49.094 2019-01-12 YAY!
61   kobs92 5:58.424 2019-01-15 very slow
62   theZaxanator 6:53.420 2019-02-14 Remind to never run this category again
63   HeinzSkitsvelvet 6:46.272 2019-02-22 Unbelievably horrible 3-1 to find worm
64   BronxTaco 7:29.124 2019-03-01 great cat
65   AlwaysOlmec 6:59.169 2019-03-21
66   BronxLasagna 9:08.843 2019-04-01 default Max Low% (same as NG Haunted Max Low%)
67   thatmarkguy 6:26.112 2019-04-07 A really kindly seed.
68   tuabiht 11:54.700 2019-04-13
69   InTol 7:03.601 2019-06-25 Almost died on Olmec
70   Loki Nighton 8:38.551 2019-08-03 First run of the day HYPE!
71   jgunz3 7:22.288 2019-08-05 1 Heart Temple
72   jjg27 9:02.832 2020-05-04 another dark 4-3
73   Mikulus 14:24.318 2020-06-01 Long fight with Olmec
74   Maplestrip 6:47.019 2020-06-29 I'm incredibly proud of this one ^_^
75   Brutwarst 4:09.601 2020-07-15 bad run but im new to the game so dont judge
76   Jaydyn 8:57.135 2020-08-16 Very scary
77   Phospho 6:32.146 2020-09-08 super slow and safe temple. This has been a long time coming
78   Cloiss 9:30.692 2020-09-20 annoying 4-3, easy olmec: shoutout to Yandie
79   JPlay 6:40.332 2020-10-18 Slow & Steady for first clear. EZScape bg audio.
80   garebear 10:09.065 2021-10-02 This category was so hard to get a finish in...
81   Luukie13 10:35.944 2021-10-04 what
82   Spencer_PK 8:17.399 2022-01-15 default Max Low% (same as Haunted Max Low%)
83   Man_eats_pizza 4:54.720 2022-01-16 Died to olmec zoo on a 20s faster run :(
84   Myelin 5:54.502 2022-03-03 only eggy and low hell left
85   MoNo_Kim 10:11.930 2022-05-04 Hi
86   WGPL 5:59.050 2022-05-05 default Max Low% (same as Haunted Max Low%)
87   Jellyfisch42 6:51.371 2022-05-16 default Max Low% (same as Haunted Max Low%)
88   zutklown 4:52.644 2022-06-01 good ice worm and mothership, rest was slow
89   LWHazel 6:53.258 2022-06-12 Walt Whitman // Slowest run into olmec... perfect zoo
90   Vandelay 6:27.884 2022-08-23 Max Slow. Finally. 1 minute into runs and I got this.
91   bobbaro 7:24.671 2022-10-12 Slow and steady a moss main completion does make.
92   matthew2837 8:53.270 2022-12-06 :fox:
93   Wumper 4:19.315 2023-01-03 1-3 aggro for no reason, deaggro in worm :3
94   Penguin 7:02.634 2023-01-12 I'm too tired to funny, just wrap your arms around me
95   SoulAro 4:20.832 2023-01-18 11 second mothership *boing*
96   YellowSlug 6:28.437 2023-03-05 Low% worm is an area
97   Flick 9:53.882 2023-05-24 Tricky category. I'll take this glacially slow clear for now
98   riverrun, 7:20.422 2023-09-12 monkey saved the run
99   YanYan 5:04.364 2023-10-23 Good baseline run
100   BlueRed 8:51.333 2024-03-16 one of my least favorite categories ever. s2 chain is better