Spelunky 2 - No Teleporter Sunken City%

A run ending with the player completing the game and exiting on 7-4. Teleporting by any means is forbidden.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Wumper 4:16.266 100.00% 1.28 Watch 7-3 Watch 7-3 Watch 7-3 Watch 7-3 Watch 7-3 Watch 7-3!
2   S̼̼ͪh͚͚ͯa͔͔ͩd̶̵ow 4:24.200 97.00% 1.28 skibidi
3   ivyoary 4:24.816 96.77% 1.28 I owe this record to climbing gloves
4   ZSRoach 4:26.183 96.27% 1.28 IM AT SOUP
5   Douji 4:34.083 93.50% 1.28 EZ Bomb shop on 6-3
6   HDEEE_ 4:41.916 90.90% 1.28 "ssbm falco star kill sound effect"
7   YanYan 4:42.166 90.82% 1.28 why is pengy playing s2 main is he stupid
8   Lavableman 4:43.333 90.45% 1.28 Destroyer Of Toddlers
9   Hectique 4:46.850 89.34% 1.25.2 🗞️
10   Biggiecheesa_ 4:48.416 88.85% 1.28 🐀
11   crosscutcheese 4:50.016 88.36% 1.28 sunky town
12   d_tea 4:51.666 87.86% 1.25.0b Need more bombs
13   Pau 4:52.150 87.72% 1.28 Bad
14   flightman 4:54.633 86.98% 1.28 What if instead of Spelunky 2 it was called Spefreaky 2
15   qPAt 4:58.033 85.99% 1.23.3 I didnt know this was a good time... Godshop, cheated on 6-2
16   Flexlolo 4:59.183 85.66% 1.25.2 garbage game
17   Spef 5:00.066 85.40% 1.28 7-3 was amazing o,o
18   Snowy 5:01.233 85.07% 1.25.2 still not sub5 😡
19   BlueRed 5:01.750 84.93% 1.28 my first ship skip run! i did it on 6-4 though, kinda late
20   Your_Bro_Bri 5:01.900 84.88% 1.28 JAW AGAPE
21   Ormu 5:02.866 84.61% 1.28 I fart in your general direction
22   iTheBeep 5:04.066 84.28% 1.28 No paste; will get sub-5 next submission, trust
23   kobs92 5:05.416 83.91% 1.28
24   burndt jamb 5:05.850 83.79% 1.28 alisa bosconovitch
25   InTol 5:06.600 83.58% 1.21.0c New Sunken City gen might be kinda sick?
26   ishfy 5:09.533 82.79% 1.25.2 Finally something decent. Sunken was godlike
27   WolfieTundra 5:10.033 82.66% 1.28 this run is peam
28   Minedy7 5:10.466 82.54% 1.28 I DIDN'T BEAT JAMB... NOOO!
29   mach1 5:11.133 82.37% 1.28 5 IN A ROW!!!!!!!
30   Groomp 5:13.916 81.64% 1.21.0c not happy with this yet
31   LWHazel 5:16.483 80.97% 1.28 Canada? Wow. Must've been cold!
32   Remy 5:17.500 80.71% 1.28 poverty seed, mattock broke in 4-3. epic 7-3 shop
33   Artur 5:19.716 80.15% 1.27 Optimal resource usage. UwU
34   Man_eats_pizza 5:19.800 80.13% 1.20 Pb while watching Goliath race
35   copron 5:19.983 80.09% 1.25.2d Played terrible in SC
36   CountAkira 5:21.583 79.69% 1.28 forgot to cut up vid so left timestamped video
37   sunsetbyplane 5:23.916 79.11% 1.28 Wow, my head's spinning!
38   fusuy321 5:24.066 79.08% 1.20.4d got caught in a sticky trap in sc :(
39   Cloiss 5:25.783 78.66% 1.28 a paste late and a bomb bag short. ng into olmec
40   Gugubo 5:29.516 77.77% 1.25.2
41   Valfis 5:29.916 77.68% 1.28 SC carried
42   Crerro 5:33.016 76.95% 1.28 This PB'd?
43   matthew2837 5:33.133 76.93% 1.27 Finally, sub 6!
44   Spencer_PK 5:34.750 76.55% 1.21.0c LEGENDARY MATTOCK
45   Zomb1eCube 5:35.133 76.47% 1.27 Really happy with this!
46   Jawn 5:36.650 76.12% 1.25.2d
47   Spiff 5:37.566 75.92% 1.25.2 1:02 hundun help
48   DieDai 5:39.700 75.44% 1.20.0j Spooky finish
49   twiggle 5:46.866 73.88% 1.21.0c Worst sunken city
50   Pyrolander 5:49.083 73.41% 1.21.0c
51   Matthijsqt 5:49.583 73.31% 1.27 Pinching hand emoji
52   Rodzos 5:52.500 72.70% 1.28 Just walk out. You can leave!
53   KyRZy 5:53.583 72.48% 1.25.0b sorry for a 6-1 break, but it was a cake break so... 🍰
54   sneeze 5:56.283 71.93% d
55   samcv 5:57.616 71.66% 1.21.0c 1 hp from 4-2 onward
56   bumperoyster 5:57.883 71.61% 1.28 bruh
57   TheTrueLemon 5:59.966 71.19% 1.25.2 barely sub 6 :), Also ball and chain??
58   yaddabing 6:01.350 70.92% 1.25.2 who actually remembers the version number. im serious why
59   aok76 6:03.866 70.43% 1.25.2 Pre-Tiamat was SOO bad. 7-3 arrow whip was scawy
60   jeremiahmcghee23 6:07.933 69.65% 1.21.0c 41 second improvement! New goal is sub 6
61   SteadfastKaeden 6:12.433 68.81% 1.28 tube city
62   chocolatecake5000 6:14.933 68.35% 1.25.2 hundun layout pls
63   WGPL 6:15.500 68.25% 1.28 Major 7-2 misread.
64   Baq 6:15.666 68.22% 1.20.4d
65   feston 6:17.216 67.94% 1.27 Valerie is back baby
66   ari_ 6:18.166 67.77% (real)
67   BurgerBun 6:19.283 67.57% 1.28 This is to my biggest fan: Aaron B
68   bort 6:21.366 67.20% 1.23.3 Tube bombing made this PB
69   MatheManiac-Alphaminx 6:21.550 67.16%
70   Cakecream 6:22.250 67.04% 1.21.0c baseline baby
71   William 6:25.800 66.42% 1.25.2 Decent time
72   tvrobot10 6:26.183 66.36% 1.28 Default: same as Low% SC
73   Lorcan 6:26.933 66.23% Gahgahgahgahgahgah
74   Geoffles 6:27.700 66.10% 1.27 bad hundun :(
75   BlueCadet-3 6:29.850 65.73% 1.20.2a late game felt fast
76   un_el 6:30.016 65.71% 1.20.4d 히히
77   ChaosComposer 6:30.216 65.67% 1.21.0c zooms
78   Medial 6:30.550 65.62% 1.25.2d Wake up!
79   Ellpherd 6:34.983 64.88% 1.25.2 heeheeheehaw
80   Phospho 6:37.716 64.43% 1.20.2a no spike shoes or bombs
81   T Lime 6:38.900 64.24% 1.21.0c egg + water :)
82   ShrekTheLegend 6:40.433 64.00% 1.20.4a no mattock
83   Xanagear 6:40.750 63.95% 1.25.2 Oops PB
84   MauveAlert 6:41.516 63.82% 1.25.2 lol, next time, maybe I'll wait for Tusk to die
85   Existence 6:41.933 63.76% 1.20.3c with Korean Localization Mod
86   Mezian 6:42.466 63.67% 1.20.0j imagine getting forgiven thrice LOL
87   NinjaHyping 6:43.450 63.52% 1.25.2
88   Mazerak 6:44.850 63.30% 1.12.0b old run
89   ChaseFray 6:46.516 63.04% 1.25.0b awful notp sc in the showers at ram ranch
90   Cosine 6:46.583 63.03% 1.25.2
91   Frank_ 6:47.150 62.94% 1.21.0c bread
92   tsukigahoshii 6:48.999 62.66% 1.25.2
93   Sharpel 6:49.683 62.55% 1.21.0c next time we go to funny turtle area
94   Penguin 6:49.766 62.54% 1.29 the.
95   Kursuani 6:50.933 62.36% 1.25.2d I didnt fall in hundun whatchu on about
96   krille71 6:52.100 62.19% 1.20.2a First jetpack after a month long break
97   Lumzy 6:52.433 62.14% 1.28 This will do for now
98   Kikki 6:53.316 62.00% 1.28 videogames
99   GoofCustom 6:53.450 61.98% 1.28 it ain't much, but it's honest work.
100   Y4RD1 6:56.066 61.59% 1.19 Hope Kali ma is proud
101   jame? 6:56.266 61.56% 1.23.3 tried to keep mattock instead of tube bombing (stupid&dumb!)
102   Slaire 6:59.633 61.07% 1.28 pb but much room for improvement
103   Fungal Cat 7:00.583 60.93% 1.25
104   Eduboy25 7:03.233 60.55% 1.25.2d Slow Hundun because I didn't have enough bombs and no spikes
105   Park Explorer 7:03.566 60.50% 1.25.2 o3o
106   Just_Ben 7:04.733 60.34% 1.28 First finished run
107   Landie 7:05.516 60.22% 1.28 hey
108   Mertukan 7:05.616 60.21% 1.28 crack crack crack the egg into the bowl
109   incogninja 7:09.500 59.67% 1.21.0c Jetpack + Paste. No Mattock.
110   2TS 7:10.900 59.47% not enough bombs for floor strats. :(
111   Lightorias 7:11.166 59.44% 1.25.2 25 murdered!
112   Ni4nMa 7:12.783 59.21% 1.25.2d Scuffed Hundun
113   Toddy 7:13.633 59.10% 1.27 Neo bab gave me anxiety
114   RainingGems 7:14.950 58.92% 1.20.4d could've played better
115   leahswicked 7:15.433 58.85% 1.25.2 get rekt yang, mattock broke in tidepool
116   Flick 7:15.883 58.79% 1.28 Slowly getting better
117   Aizawaluigi 7:19.583 58.30% 1.21.0c Ignoren la musica de fondo, porfis
118   Qball08 7:20.866 58.13% 1.25.2 the return of qball
119   SniprSR 7:21.383 58.06% 1.25.0b There is a pause in 7-4 cuz i forgot to mute a stream
120   OddBod 7:23.133 57.83% 1.20.2a
121   blankCuberic 7:24.216 57.69% 1.25.2d
122   baymax305 7:24.716 57.62% 1.21.0 How did I use all of my materials...
123   Saggy Stardust 7:25.316 57.55%
124   Meepssheep 7:27.883 57.22% 1.25.2 cursed and very bad
125   Suspense 7:32.216 56.67% 1.20 I really need to learn Hundun
125   pbjcosigner 7:32.216 56.67% 1.28 Bro Is Not Dirk
127   soybagel 7:34.583 56.37% 1.20.0j
128   JeremyHay 7:35.166 56.30% 1.21.0c Ties Xanagear's time exactly
129   Luwts 7:35.200 56.30% 1.25.2 JP from present, mattock from crate
130   her 7:35.766 56.23% 1.20.3c sorry about the song lyrics at the start :(
131   supersause34 7:36.166 56.18% 1.28 🦧
132   GearsFREAKY 7:36.933 56.08% 1.28 Ignore the bombs lol
133   TicTacFoe 7:37.500 56.01% 1.20.3c Bunn Run
134   RadRingtail 7:39.400 55.78% 1.25.2 Pivoted from No TP Any, tbh I just want one Low JT plz 🙏
135   platihbm✞ 7:42.900 55.36% 1.28 scuffed run, but gave good insight to what I should expect
136   miemu 7:45.816 55.01% 1.25.0b gg
137   rtar 7:47.050 54.87% 1.20.0j First sub 8!
138   Mantilla 7:49.283 54.61% 1.25.2
139   RandomHighGuy 7:51.200 54.39%
139   Upcoming-lemon 7:51.200 54.39% Sorry for the terrible video quality first time streaming
141   LucaTheJackal 7:52.600 54.22% 1.25.2 first run lol
142   Gianaras 7:57.650 53.65% 1.21.0c insane quillback + yeti queen kills (lmao)
143   supware 7:58.866 53.52% 1.20.1d First submission, let's get some Mosspoints
144   ShinDigPig 7:59.716 53.42% 1.23.3 Barely sub 8! :D
145   [0xFF]otori 8:01.226 53.25% 1.21.0c
146   zutklown 8:01.583 53.21% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Eggplant%
147   CarlosVitor_ 8:01.666 53.20% 1.25.2
148   Zempest 8:04.300 52.91% 1.25.0b
149   Patryk3303 8:06.166 52.71% 1.28
150   juliecat56 8:06.700 52.65% 1.20
151   ShrimpTopRamen 8:09.666 52.33% 1.25.0b lucky 7-3 shop
152   aqua_pxl 8:10.133 52.28% 1.25.2 dark neobab 💜
153   dukeman74 8:10.633 52.23% 1.28
154   SRSM 8:11.050 52.19% 1.25.2 So bad I can only improve it
155   pizzahameha 8:12.083 52.08% 1.28
156   Kirrby 8:16.066 51.66% 1.20.3c a better run from my old pb though a bit sloppy still
157   BronxTaco 8:17.716 51.49% 1.20.3c see??
158   thatmarkguy 8:18.133 51.45% 1.25.2
159   Jethazard95 8:19.316 51.32% 1.21.0c Next Goal is Xanagear's PB
160   Loki Nighton 8:23.650 50.88% 1.20.2a Two Crust Jetpacks, nightmare Volcana
161   kevinthompson 8:26.250 50.62% 1.21.0c
162   bobbaro 8:26.700 50.58% 1.27 First S2 submission :) Shoutout to MossRacing!
163   Kaysakado 8:27.533 50.49% 1.20.3c lol tide pool
164   Leviathan 8:27.684 50.48% 1.28 Same as SC%
165   Gregorythehuman 8:28.900 50.36% 1.25.2 Played pretty poorly, didn't turn off discord notifications
166   After 8:30.416 50.21% 1.28 yup yup today is the best day to speedrun
167   Quaggsirmee 8:37.700 49.50% 1.21.0c my first recorded speedrun attempt ever
168   Doctor Alice 8:38.216 49.45% 1.25.2 legally this is a PB
169   Jayson 8:38.266 49.45% 1.25.2d default No TP SC% (same as Low% SC)
170   yaktober 8:39.116 49.37%
171   ix 8:39.250 49.35% 1.16.1 default bla bla
172   Luukie13 8:39.550 49.32% 1.25.2d a
173   CD_Iris 8:41.233 49.17% 1.25.2 My fault in ice caves, games fault in Sunken City
174   RPDak 8:44.466 48.86% 1.28 slow in several ways but we take those
175   Rhinocer0sRex 8:45.783 48.74% 1.28
176   AgileTurnip434 8:46.016 48.72% 1.25.5
177   DAH0B0 8:47.850 48.55% 1.27 default No TP SC% (same as No TP Eggplant%)
178   RetroEdit 8:50.416 48.31% 1.25.2 default No TP SC% (same as No TP Eggplant%)
179   StrawberrySilk 8:59.000 47.54% 1.28 I FORGOT ABOUT EGGPLANT AAAAAAA
180   jessyabeb 9:01.566 47.32% oh boy here we go
181   Onelame 9:03.616 47.14% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Eggplant%
182   Muddy Hands Matt 9:07.233 46.83% 1.21.0c An ugly run with the grandest penultimate 6-3
183   HOBT0R 9:14.150 46.24% 1.20.4d Another 1 gold sunken city run \(`0´)/
184   ZenConnection 9:17.400 45.98% 1.20 awful run but a pb is a pb
185   DocterBuster 9:21.916 45.61% 1.20.0j whoops forgot to submit this one here (was in normal SC%)
186   Serpico 9:26.416 45.24% 1.25.0b
187   garebear 9:31.116 44.87% 1.25.0b Saved by a mother's love
188   bakkhertz 9:32.350 44.77% 1.28 Happy Birthday to me!
189   Peapod 9:34.833 44.58% 1.20.2a Switched gears after a lucky jetpack in Tide Pool
190   radicaldudej1 9:36.166 44.48% 1.28 Awful ice caves/I love the camera
191   CarpeDM__ 9:37.500 44.38% 1.20.2a
192   Austin 9:43.350 43.93% 1.27 Very scuffed Hundun fight LOL. Rest of the run was alright
193   Shloub 9:43.483 43.92% 1.25.2
194   DumpsterShark 9:46.766 43.67% 1.20.3a Not expected in the slightest.
195   Carlibraun 9:51.533 43.32% 1.20.2a took me long enough... super casual JP run
196   daniyaalf14 9:59.983 42.71% 1.28 craet
197   Caracks 10:05.633 42.31% Not too bad for a first attempt
198   YellowSlug 10:07.366 42.19% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
199   Tom's Pizza 10:11.316 41.92% Moving up in the world
200   Somsoup 10:12.833 41.82% 1.23.3
201   Splumonkey Man 10:15.016 41.67% 1.24 Put everything on speedrun.com, about time I use mossranking
202   Terravin 10:23.233 41.12% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
203   Necromancy6 10:27.000 40.87% 1.21.0c default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Duat)
204   hobbes 10:39.816 40.05% 1.27 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
205   garbo 11:10.766 38.21% 1.21.0c default No TP SC% (same as Chain Low% Abzu)
206   toothbrush 11:15.933 37.91% 1.28 I was playing with 1 hand until i saw the jetpack lol
207   Jimbo 11:29.083 37.19% 1.20.2a default No TP SC% (same as Low% SC)
208   Pandora 11:51.416 36.02% 1.25.2 Finally gave a try at this
209   Qualpyn 11:58.350 35.67% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
210   poisontype 12:02.950 35.45% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Abzu
211   Pluie 12:21.050 34.58% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Abzu
212   kiwistarlet 13:17.033 32.15% 1.21.0c Was attempting Duat%, forgot to hatch Qilin. Whoops
213   Phinq 13:24.216 31.87% 1.25.2 default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Duat)
214   Just1ceFury 13:37.133 31.36% 28 Default: same as Chain Low% Duat
215   MontanaJoJo 14:15.066 29.97% 1.21.0c Default. Same as SC %
216   Xobsile 14:25.450 29.61% 1.27 default No TP SC% (same as No TP Abzu%)
217   meleneh 14:32.966 29.36% 1.28 🦵🥚🦵
218   bismuthkinney 14:55.866 28.61% 1.21.0c same as my no tp sc% abzu
219   Cheengo 15:25.016 27.70% 1.25.0b default No TP SC% (same as Chain Low% Abzu)
220   felixbonty 15:33.750 27.44% 1.23.3 default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
221   Save The Marsh 16:13.950 26.31% 1.21.0c default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
222   ShinGraywords 16:16.916 26.23% 1.25.0b default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
223   LimeDimeNine 16:35.633 25.74% 1.25.2 default No TP SC% (same as No TP Abzu%)
224   Nitrome 17:25.733 24.51% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Duat%
225   Abob71 17:27.966 24.45% 1.25.0b default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
226   Ajatuskaktus 17:53.533 23.87% 1.28 Default: same as NG Chain Low% Abzu
227   MasterPohlk 18:10.416 23.50% 1.28 Not great, but better than my default No TP Abzu%
228   J14KKM 18:37.750 22.93% Default: same as No TP Duat%
229   Champion Red 18:53.800 22.60% 1.20.3c
230   tj13610 19:32.766 21.85% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
231   JakeCedar 19:53.583 21.47% default No TP Sunken City% (same as Low% Sunken City Duat)
232   akirumisu 20:07.283 21.23% 1.17.0f Default: same as No TP Abzu%
233   Nayaku 20:14.966 21.09% default No TP SC% (same as No TP Eggplant% Abzu)
234   Mikulus 22:28.166 19.01% 1.21.0c default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
235   [GD] Zimmeh 22:41.450 18.82% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
236   saturnin55 23:08.016 18.46% old run. placeholder
237   Shinydiamond112 24:00.450 17.79% 1.25.2d default No TP SC% (same as No TP Abzu%)
238   NeverTrustABup 24:28.583 17.45% default No TP SC% (same as No TP Eggplant% Abzu)
239   brotemkin 26:50.916 15.91% 1.28 Default: same as NG Chain Low% Abzu
240   GC 27:11.383 15.71% default No TP Sunken City% (same as Low% Abzu Eggplant)
241   Dom 29:23.900 14.53% 1.20.4d default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Abzu)
242   denis1080 33:29.350 12.75% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Abzu%
243   JayTheBusinessGoose 33:45.366 12.65% 1.28 Default: same as Chain No% Abzu
244   jjg27 34:42.766 12.30% just submitting some old runs
245   Buddy7heElf 35:35.700 12.00% default No TP Sunken City% (same as Low% Sunken City Abzu)
246   BradNasty 51:20.583 8.32% 1.20.3a
247   BisleyT 51:51.967 8.23% 1.20.4d default No TP SC% (same as No TP SC% Duat)