Spelunky 2 - No Gold Chain Low% Abzu

A run ending with the win criteria of both the Chain Low% Abzu speedrun and the No Gold speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   tvrobot10 9:57.316 100.00% 1.28 Sub-10
2   Wumper 10:11.266 97.72% 1.28 Solid
3   d_tea 11:30.133 86.55% 1.21.0c Time to never run this again
4   ivyoary 11:48.000 84.37% 1.28 I really just didn't want to make a second video
5   Jawn 12:57.683 76.81% 1.27
6   Biggiecheesa_ 13:13.233 75.30% 1.28 🐀
7   Hectique 13:21.700 74.51% 1.28 hardest of mainchal
8   zutklown 14:08.633 70.39% 1.25.2 not bad 📈
9   aok76 14:28.750 68.76% 1.28 When ur updog dies in 6-3 and u have one rope to your name.
10   BlueRed 16:40.316 59.71% 1.28 no% but i took 2 very avoidable damage. what a fun game 🙃
11   crosscutcheese 16:54.100 58.90% 1.28 demoralizing
12   Spef 17:25.816 57.11% 1.28 chalemge urn
13   Pau 17:30.133 56.88% 1.28 Ok category.
14   YanYan 17:32.566 56.75% 1.28 Default: same as Chain No% Abzu
15   DieDai 17:38.516 56.43% Bad late game
16   LWHazel 17:48.033 55.93% 1.28 finally
17   Ajatuskaktus 17:53.533 55.64% 1.28 hundun was nice this time
18   matthew2837 18:59.183 52.43% 1.25.2 Epic
19   brotemkin 26:50.916 37.08% 1.28 I'm now ready for a CO win
20   JayTheBusinessGoose 33:45.366 29.49% 1.28 Default: same as Chain No% Abzu