Spelunky 2 - Pacifist Sunken City%

A run ending with the win criteria of both the Sunken City% speedrun and the Pacifist speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   tvrobot10 4:29.800 100.00% 1.28 Pacifist Hundun Ankh Strats
2   BlueRed 5:21.750 83.85% 1.28 goofed no gold in neo and forgor ankh, slow tp play
3   YanYan 6:27.183 69.68% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Pacifist SC%
4   d_tea 7:15.300 61.98% 1.27 Default: same as No TP Pacifist SC%
5   Hectique 8:30.500 52.85% 1.21.0c default Pacifist SC% (same as NG Pacifist SC)
6   Wumper 8:51.883 50.73% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Eggplant%
7   ivyoary 9:53.500 45.46% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Abzu%
8   Biggiecheesa_ 11:13.716 40.05% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
9   Cloiss 14:13.050 31.63% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
10   LWHazel 18:40.583 24.08% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
11   aok76 20:15.033 22.21% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
12   Spef 20:50.650 21.57% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist Low% SC
13   Flick 28:48.450 15.61% 1.28 Default: same as No TP Pacifist SC%