Spelunky HD - No Gold Max Chain Low% Hell

A run satisfying the conditions of No Gold Chain Hell%, Max Chain Hell%, and Chain Low% Hell combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   Kinnijup 8:21.266 100.00% >:D
2   Carlibraun 11:54.721 70.13% The no% landmine rule needs to be reworked!!!
3   d_tea 12:05.857 69.06% Speedy this time
4   Master Tigress Master Tigress 15:29.521 53.93% 1-0-0 into hell again...
5   Hectique 16:14.037 51.46% Default: same as NG HM Chain Low% Hell
6   DieDai 16:36.666 50.29% shits wack
7   Buddy7heElf 17:46.640 46.99% ...finally
8   jjg27 19:05.146 43.77% done :)
9   ix 19:12.197 43.51% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSd8CqBEbcY
10   Spef 19:43.360 42.36% hella cool!
11   zutklown 20:51.429 40.06% Default: same as NG HM Chain Low% Hell
12   Kirby703 23:33.526 35.46% oh god oh no don't look at the bit after Yama dies
13   GC 24:38.165 33.91% been trying for this since 2019. holy heck. <3 <3 <3
14   Pibonacci 31:44.607 26.32%
15   Baq 32:32.516 25.67% i'm finally free