Spelunky 2 - No Gold Cosmic Ocean%

A run ending either by reaching 7-99 or by dying in Cosmic Ocean having never had a score of more than $0 by the time of completion. Collecting gold in Cosmic Ocean is treated the same as dying. Enter the last reached level and your time when entering the last reached level.

Rank Player Distance / Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Lavableman 7-99 / 55:15 100.00% 1.28 Forgor to upload 💀
2   Flexlolo 7-99 / 1:12:35 80.91% 1.25.2
3   ivyoary 7-99 / 1:20:29 74.92% 1.25.0b No spikes, died on 89. First time in a long time for NGCO.
4   streetchick3n 7-99 / 1:21:34 74.20% 1.25.0b just keeping the seat warm lava dw
5   Aaron B) 7-99 / 1:29:24 69.44% 1.28 I'm free from pain! :D now for hitless :D Woooooooooooooooo!
6   dialect 7-99 / 1:41:16 63.66% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%
7   d_tea 7-99 / 1:42:17 63.22% 1.20.3c I didn't care for money.
8   un_el 7-99 / 1:58:06 57.43% 1.25.0b 히히
9   Hectique 7-93 / 1:42:25 18.74% 1.20.3c a bit sad, really
10   tvrobot10 7-84 / 1:29:22 16.84% 1.25.2d Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%
11   Valfis 7-81 / 1:07:40 16.21% 1.28 🤦x2
12   burndt jamb 7-74 / 1:30:20 14.74% 1.27 what are you doing here step-skeleton
13   Spencer_PK 7-57 / 1:06:04 11.16% 1.21.0c I attempted this as a joke not expecting to get that far...
14   Jawn 7-37 / 48:58 6.95% 1.27 🖕👽
15   Gugubo 7-30 / 31:41 5.47% 1.25.2
16   BlueRed 7-20 / 40:06 3.37% 1.28 did it say MURDERED 2! after killing the bee bc of hundun?
17   SteadfastKaeden 7-15 / 27:03 2.32% 1.28 i didnt pick up gold for 27 mins 🆒
18   MatheManiac-Alphaminx 7-14 / 30:45 2.11% TELEPACK ---NO%--- CO!!! First entry. I'm happy with it.7-14
19   Man_eats_pizza 7-6 / 29:35 0.42% 1.20 First No Gold Chain Low% CO pog
20   aok76 7-5 / 24:27 0.21% 1.25.2 Almost second ever ngclco but up dog said NO
21   YanYan 7-5 / 27:32 0.21% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%