Spelunky 2 - Speed Area/IL Ice Caves

A run featuring a completion of the Ice Caves. Please refer to the "Segment Categories" section of the Rules tab for submission guidelines.

Rank Player Time Rating Level Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Pyrolander 0:03.250 100.00% 5-1 1.28 neat
2   BlueRed 0:04.800 67.71% 5-1 1.28 2nd place!!!11!111! hoverpack teleplorber
3   d_tea 0:05.166 62.91% 5-1 1.21.0c sub 5 if I had compass
4   Groomp 0:05.566 58.39% 5-1 1.21.0c sub 5 when
5   Remy 0:06.733 48.27% 5-1 1.28 from ics any
6   tvrobot10 0:07.533 43.14% 5-1 1.20.4d Decent for Any% too
7   YanYan 0:07.783 41.76% 5-1 1.28 ⬆⬆⬆ :( ⬆⬆⬆
8   Penguin 0:10.000 32.50% 5-1
9   RetroEdit 0:10.150 32.02% 5-1 1.28 (same as low%)
10   JayTheBusinessGoose 0:11.500 28.26% 5-1 1.28
11   Gugubo 0:12.000 27.08% 5-1
12   BronxTaco 0:12.500 26.00% 5-1
13   dukeman74 0:12.750 25.49% 5-1 1.28 this run places higher in any% than low%
14   LWHazel 0:17.000 19.12% 5-1 1.25.0b wife
15   Nitrome 0:28.000 11.61% 5-1 1.12.0b