Spelunky HD - No Gold Pacifist Chain Hell%

A Pacifist Chain Hell% run ending with the player having never had a score of more than $0.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   Hectique 5:26.175 100.00% Default: same as No TP NG Pacifist Chain Hell%
2   SoulAro 8:17.064 65.62% Default: same as No TP NG Max Pacifist Chain Hell%
3   GC 10:35.509 51.32% Slow start, lucky craste, weird 5-2 exit, and nasty Yama
4   ix 11:05.975 48.98% Time was untied when set.
5   jjg27 13:47.540 39.41% Default: same as No TP NG Max Pacifist Chain Hell%
6   Kinnijup 14:11.363 38.31% monkaS
7   Master Tigress Master Tigress 17:24.034 31.24% Default: same as No TP NG Max Pacifist Chain Hell%
8   Spef 18:26.333 29.48% Scary moment in 2-2
9   bobbaro 26:07.607 20.81% Default: same as No TP NG Max Pacifist Chain Hell%
10   krille71 32:51.370 16.55% Suggested by Derek Yu
11   BronxTaco 36:14.950 15.00% default NG Pacifist Hell% (same as Max NG Pacifist Hell%)