Spelunky 2 - Speed Area/IL Olmec + Ankh Temple

A run featuring the completion of Olmec having obtained the Ankh and exiting to Temple. The Area 3 shortcut is disallowed. Please refer to the "Segment Categories" section of the Rules tab for submission guidelines.

Rank Player Time Rating Level Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Pyrolander 0:14.000 100.00% 3-1 1.23.3 when you miss the black market%
2   d_tea 0:14.400 97.22% 3-1 1.21.0c Worth it
3   Remy 0:28.666 48.84% 3-1 1.28 approaching #1 segmented
4   Gugubo 0:32.950 42.49% 3-1 1.28
5   Cloiss 0:40.950 34.19% 3-1 1.21.0c messed up bomb #8. sub 40 no tp very possible (need jp)
6   RetroEdit 0:53.033 26.40% 3-1 1.25.2 (frame-counted; same as no-tp)
7   BronxTaco 1:22.283 17.01% 3-1
8   Nitrome 1:40.000 14.00% 3-1 1.28
9   YanYan 2:23.083 9.78% 3-1 1.28
10   tvrobot10 2:57.000 7.91% 3-1