Spelunky 2 - Pacifist Cosmic Ocean%

A run ending either by reaching 7-99 or by dying in Cosmic Ocean. Killing an enemy in Cosmic Ocean is treated the same as dying. One of the following verification methods are required:

  • Showing a journal with the entry "I was a pacifist".
  • An approved tracker visible in the recording at all times.

Enter the last reached level and your time when entering the last reached level.

Rank Player Distance / Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Lavableman 7-99 / 1:26:31 100.00% 1.28 A few good attempts before this run.
2   tvrobot10 7-99 / 1:40:35 88.81% 1.28 Pacifist Criminalus Complete!
3   dialect 7-99 / 1:41:16 88.35% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%
4   poja 7-99 / 1:57:44 78.79% 1.27 (adorable cat) https://spelunky.fyi/mods/m/playable-catrus/
5   ducky_ 7-99 / 2:10:36 73.00% 1.28 GG
6   un_el 7-99 / 2:27:23 66.97% 1.28 노골드 불살런(Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%)
7   yaddabing 7-83 / 2:00:04 16.63% 1.25.2 now with: *caffeinated hearing technology*
8   Hectique 7-44 / 45:59 8.42% 1.21.0c finally got a pacifist run into cosmic
9   WolfieTundra 7-32 / 41:46 5.89% 1.28 🕊
10   Madison 7-29 / 33:01 5.26% 1.28 I lost my membership card to the human race
11   BlueRed 7-18 / 38:17 2.95% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%
12   aok76 7-16 / 28:56 2.53% 1.28 Pacifism is contagious
13   copron 7-14 / 40:24 2.11% 1.25.2d Might be going to grind for a completion
14   d_tea 7-8 / 21:45 0.84% 1.21.0c
15   Wumper 7-5 / 17:01 0.21% 1.25.2 Oops
16   Spef 7-5 / 17:59 0.21% 1.28 not oops
17   Vanilla 7-5 / 27:32 0.21% 1.28 Default: same as NG Pacifist CO%