Spelunky 2 - No Teleporter Pacifist Sunken City%

A run ending with the win criteria of both the Pacifist and No Teleporter Sunken City% speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   tvrobot10 6:12.650 100.00% 1.28 Mattockless
2   YanYan 6:27.183 96.25% 1.28 olmec...
3   BlueRed 7:03.316 88.03% 1.28 dont watch 4-4 or 7-3 or hundun
4   d_tea 7:15.300 85.61% 1.27 Ruined no gold on 7-3 for no reason???
5   Hectique 8:30.500 73.00% 1.21.0c no tp no gold
6   Wumper 11:01.566 56.33% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
7   Biggiecheesa_ 11:13.716 55.31% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
8   Cloiss 14:13.050 43.68% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
9   LWHazel 18:40.583 33.25% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
10   aok76 20:15.033 30.67% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
11   Spef 20:50.650 29.80% 1.28 Default: same as Pacifist Low% SC
12   Flick 28:48.450 21.56% 1.28 Not played for speed. My first paci SC win :)