Spelunky 2 - No% Sunken City

A run ending with the win criteria of No Gold Low% Sunken City with the following additional restrictions:

  • Health may never be reduced below the starting total of 4.
  • At the completion of the run, the player must have 4 bombs and 4 ropes. Recollecting used or stolen ropes is allowed.
Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   tvrobot10 8:16.700 100.00% 1.28 Pretty good
2   Biggiecheesa_ 9:17.200 89.14% 1.28 πŸ€
3   BlueRed 9:52.800 83.79% 1.28 miserable neo and sunken, im not done with this category yet
4   Wumper 10:57.633 75.53% 1.28 Real rank 1!!!
5   aok76 11:52.182 69.74% 1.28 "Imagine the gold split" - meleneh.
6   Flexlolo 11:55.816 69.39% 1.25.2
7   d_tea 12:28.450 66.36% 1.25.2 I can't believe I made it past 6-3
8   LWHazel 12:57.033 63.92% 1.28 πŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ€πŸ’—πŸ’™Trans Pride πŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ€πŸ’—πŸ’™
9   Spef 12:58.166 63.83% 1.28 random attempt, easy game
10   Hectique 13:21.200 61.99% 1.28 i think i'm lost. hilarious 2-4 and 6-3
11   Gugubo 13:33.883 61.03% 1.25.0b
12   Cloiss 13:51.450 59.74% 1.28 wumper stream πŸŽ·πŸ› + tetromino πŸ‡― = good luck πŸ€
13   YanYan 14:07.100 58.64% 1.28 1st try. Meanwhile Pacifist No% SC is on try: 18322 ;)
14   matthew2837 15:15.483 54.26% 1.25.2 Incredibly happy to finally have a clear in this category!
15   Just1ceFury 16:31.516 50.09% 1.28 Lunken low sunken