Spelunky 2 - Speed Pace Abzu Chain Low%

A run featuring a completion of 4-3 entering Abzu starting from 1-1, following Chain Low% Abzu restrictions. Please refer to the "Segment Categories" section of the Rules tab for submission guidelines.

Rank Player Time Rating Level Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Biggiecheesa_ 3:21.050 100.00% 4-3 1.28 Excalibur used to be a legendary sword
2   ivyoary 3:39.283 91.69% 4-3 1.28 sdalhjasdklhjfadshjksdakljhflhjkasdfhljkasdfjlkhasadfsaasdas
3   YanYan 3:48.583 87.95% 4-3
4   d_tea 3:57.250 84.74% 4-3 slow 4-3
5   SteadfastKaeden 4:32.400 73.81% 4-3 1.28
6   GearsFREAKY 4:37.000 72.58% 4-3 1.28
7   Gugubo 4:49.000 69.57% 4-3
8   LWHazel 4:57.000 67.69% 4-3 1.25.2 honk shoo
9   Remy 5:01.666 66.65% 4-3
10   tvrobot10 5:37.000 59.66% 4-3
11   BronxTaco 9:18.166 36.02% 4-3