Spelunky 2 - Speed Pace Ice Caves

A run featuring a completion of Tide Pool or Temple starting from 1-1. Please refer to the "Segment Categories" section of the Rules tab for submission guidelines.

Rank Player Time Rating Level Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   ZSRoach 0:57.066 100.00% 4-4 1.28 didnt choke this time
2   qPAt 1:03.900 89.31% 4-4 1.25.0b I just wanna share my sadness
3   YanYan 1:05.000 87.79% 4-4 1.28 god this sucks
4   Remy 1:06.416 85.92% 4-4 1.28 frame counted
5   Gugubo 1:23.916 68.00% 4-4 1.28
6   BronxTaco 1:44.950 54.37% 4-4
7   RetroEdit 1:50.333 51.72% 4-4 1.28
8   tvrobot10 2:13.866 42.63% 4-4
9   JayTheBusinessGoose 3:23.000 28.11% 4-4 1.28
10   chegx 5:03.766 18.79% 4-4 sorry tnf
11   Nitrome 12:55.000 7.36% 4-4 1.25.0b