Spelunky 2 - Low% Axolotl

A run ending with the player completing the game following Low% restrictions, except to ride and use the Axolotl. The Axolotl must be mounted on 1-3 and the same Axolotl must be present upon completing the game. After mounting the Axolotl, using the action/whip key while dismounted is forbidden.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   ivyoary 2:27.850 100.00% 1.28 wahoo
2   ZSRoach 2:46.783 88.65% 1.28 squelchy boi
3   Ormu 3:20.566 73.72% 1.28 5-1 shopkeeper jump scare
4   Gugubo 3:25.983 71.78% 1.28 axolowtl
5   wrain 3:40.383 67.09% 1.25.2
6   sunsetbyplane 3:55.383 62.81% 1.28 axaxoxooltltllll
7   BlueRed 4:08.216 59.57% 1.28 axOwOtl
8   ari_ 4:20.550 56.75% i actually had fun playing this game for once, good cat :)
9   WolfieTundra 4:34.116 53.94% 1.28
10   SteadfastKaeden 5:00.700 49.17% 1.28 played careful so i could finish the run
11   bumperoyster 5:44.166 42.96% 1.28 I'm poggin' alot'l
12   tvrobot10 5:44.916 42.87% 1.28
13   matthew2837 6:32.000 37.72% 1.27 Possible category.
14   RetroEdit 7:18.016 33.75% 1.25.2 First clear & no gold! Dozens of failed axo starts.
15   Cosine 8:51.866 27.80% 1.25.2 Cute axolotl AYAYA