Spelunky 2 - Slow%

A run ending with the player completing the game without ever sprinting following Low% restrictions.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Kymiro 5:05.916 100.00% 1.25.2 Finally a good speedrun category
2   ivyoary 6:25.933 79.27% 1.28 make slogdog real plox
3   Ormu 6:30.616 78.32% 1.28 Well that's something I'm never doing again.
4   Jawn 7:11.533 70.89%
5   matthew2837 8:23.566 60.75% 1.27 Skillful ledge grab in Ice Caves.
6   Gugubo 8:33.533 59.57% 1.28 Entgegen allen Erwartungen habe ich Tiamat besiegt.
7   Cosine 9:43.050 52.47% 1.25.2
8   tvrobot10 10:01.116 50.89% 1.25.2d First Ever Pacislow% Clear!
9   YanYan 12:33.583 40.59% 1.28 life is rough
10   bumperoyster 13:47.166 36.98% 1.28 🎷🐌