Spelunky 2 - No Teleporter Eggplant% Duat

A run ending with the win criteria of both the No Teleporter Duat% speedrun and the Eggplant% speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Wumper 7:19.033 100.00% 1.28 Oh my first ever ice caves eggplant
2   ivyoary 7:32.000 97.13% 1.25.2d veryy good yum yum uym
3   ZSRoach 8:20.383 87.74% 1.27 2 god mothers in a week
4   d_tea 8:39.933 84.44% 1.21.0c 50+ bombs
5   Pyrolander 9:06.650 80.31% 1.28
6   Hectique 9:16.333 78.92% 1.21.0c nice! echo of a previous failed run lol
7   burndt jamb 9:35.550 76.28% 1.28 mr balls
8   Man_eats_pizza 10:14.500 71.45% 1.20 No Teleporter. A few sloppy parts
9   InTol 11:26.683 63.94% 1.21.0c No gold until Olmec
10   ShrimpTopRamen 11:36.616 63.02% 1.25.2 idk what cat to put this under
11   Cloiss 12:25.600 58.88% 1.21.0c two chainplant runs, two funny 7-1's
12   Spencer_PK 12:32.583 58.34% 1.20.4d Bomb box + paste in Temple 4-1 shop saved the run.
13   BlueRed 12:44.083 57.46% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
14   Douji 13:12.516 55.40% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
15   Mantilla 14:27.666 50.60% 1.28
16   Master Tigress Master Tigress 14:32.983 50.29% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
17   Pau 14:53.816 49.12% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
18   ix 17:11.500 42.56% 1.21.0c blocked off eggplant world :)
19   qPAt 17:19.800 42.22% 1.23.3 default No TP Eggplant% Duat (same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)
20   crosscutcheese 18:18.716 39.96% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
21   aok76 18:29.016 39.59% 1.25.2 default No TP Eggplant% Duat (same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)
22   chocolatecake5000 19:30.483 37.51% 1.20.0j record
23   Spef 19:55.533 36.72% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
24   tvrobot10 20:05.400 36.42% 1.25.2d default No TP Eggplant% Duat (same as NG Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)
25   bumperoyster 20:34.633 35.56% 1.28 Default: same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat
26   Kaysakado 21:13.650 34.47% 1.20.2a casual duat eggy
27   Minedy7 21:32.850 33.96% 1.27 AJE coop excerpt, free mosspoints. 4-2 temple eggplant 🤨
28   Madison 23:13.833 31.50% 1.25.0b default No TP Eggplant% Duat (same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)
29   DieDai 25:36.266 28.58% 1.19.7a default No TP Eggplant% Duat (same as Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)