Spelunky 2 - No Teleporter No Gold Eggplant%

A run ending with the win criteria of both the No Teleporter No Gold speedrun and the Eggplant% speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   d_tea 6:06.466 100.00% 1.27 No TP Eggplant PB soon?
2   Flexlolo 6:38.066 92.06% 1.25.2 gibberish
3   YanYan 7:53.483 77.40% 1.28 https://imgur.com/a/J1adibo
4   Cloiss 7:58.550 76.58% 1.27 [MossRacing] hundun heavy hopping 🐍⛹ī¸
5   ZSRoach 8:12.950 74.34% 1.23.3 1.23.3 run yikes - forgot this cat was real - almost free
6   WolfieTundra 8:24.916 72.58% 1.28 Oh no bro.
7   Gugubo 8:55.516 68.43% 1.21.0c I got this run 259 days before this became a category
8   Biggiecheesa_ 9:07.900 66.89% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
9   BlueRed 9:19.000 65.56% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
10   GearsFREAKY 9:26.933 64.64% 1.28 Top 10 run before gta 6 is crazy
11   aok76 10:02.100 60.86% 1.28 Almost left 5-1 with an eggplant in my hand!!
12   Wumper 10:07.833 60.29% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
13   ivyoary 10:51.016 56.29% 1.25.2d No Teleporter, No Gold, Eggplant Sunken City Abzu%
14   Hectique 12:03.666 50.64% 1.21.0c default No TP NG Eggplant% (same as NG Low% Eggplant)
15   tvrobot10 14:22.483 42.49% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
16   LWHazel 14:23.900 42.42% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
17   Spef 15:40.716 38.96% 1.28 Default: same as NG Low% Eggplant
18   DieDai 27:17.083 22.39% 1.20.3c default No TP NG Eggplant% (same as NG Chain Low% Eggplant Duat)