Spelunky HD - Score IL Tutorial 0-1

A run featuring a completion of or death in 0-1 in the Tutorial. Please refer to the "Segment Categories" section of the Rules tab for submission guidelines.

Rank Player Score Rating Level Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   Jellyfisch42 $39,700 100.00% 0-1 2 dupes, 40k is possible
2   d_tea $36,200 91.18% 0-1 Simply pick up the ruby 14 times!
3   tuabiht $28,700 72.29% 0-1
4   Polodajaneiro $25,000 62.97% 0-1
5   jjg27 $23,600 59.45% 0-1
6   Kinnijup $23,500 59.19% 0-1
6   WGPL $23,500 59.19% 0-1 i did not have 14 rubies.
8   Kirby703 $22,700 57.18% 0-1
9   ix $18,600 46.85% 0-1
9   BronxTaco $18,600 46.85% 0-1
11   Nitrome $16,000 40.30% 0-1
12   YanYan $12,200 30.73% 0-1