Spelunky 2 - MossRacing: No Gold Low%

A run ending with the win criteria of both the Low% speedrun and the No Gold speedrun combined.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   ZSRoach 3:46.850 100.00% 1.27 REAL PB LOL
2   Lavableman 3:51.283 98.08% 1.27 [02:21:41]
3   Wumper 3:54.683 96.66% 1.27 (02:21:51) Lava is too good lol
4   tvrobot10 4:01.950 93.76% 1.27 [02:03:14]
5   iTheBeep 4:17.900 87.96% 1.27 [5:44:48] finally lmao
6   HDEEE_ 4:27.883 84.68% 1.27 10:34:57
7   ivyoary 4:36.450 82.06% 1.27 [2:41:03]
8   aok76 4:50.183 78.17% 1.27 [00:20.41]
9   Spiff 4:51.766 77.75% 1.27 19:49
10   Man_eats_pizza 4:59.633 75.71% 1.27 Stream 3, 2:29:00 bad bad bad
11   Douji 5:06.183 74.09% 1.27 4th Session - 02:55:40
12   Biggiecheesa_ 5:09.566 73.28% 1.27 🐀
13   Remy 5:17.783 71.39% 1.27 [1:14:30] in the vod (this run is garbage lmao)
14   Pau 5:22.783 70.28%
15   KyRZy 5:43.950 65.95% 1.27 [04:24:00]
16   sunsetbyplane 5:48.316 65.13% 1.27 SOUP FOG
17   matthew2837 6:03.566 62.40% 1.27
18   Gugubo 6:05.083 62.14% 1.27 also pacifist
19   bobbaro 7:12.483 52.45% [4:56:40] ...but at what cost?
20   Cosine 7:12.833 52.41% 1.27 [02:39:43]
21   GC 9:36.150 39.37% https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1600020613 3:24:56