Spelunky 2 - MossRacing: Chain Low% Duat

A Duat% speedrun following Low% restrictions, with the following item requirements:

  • The Udjat Eye is allowed, but not required.
  • The Hedjet/Crown, Ankh, Scepter, and Tablet of Destiny must be obtained. The correct Ushabti must be brought to 6-3.
  • Using the Ankh to enter Duat is allowed.
  • Firing the Scepter is forbidden.
  • Riding Qilin is allowed only in Tiamat's Throne.
Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   ivyoary 10:39.633 100.00% 1.27 Stream 3 [9:30:28]
2   Biggiecheesa_ 10:52.900 97.97% 1.27 3rs Stream [1:12:48]
3   Man_eats_pizza 10:57.533 97.28% 1.27 Stream 2, 50:00
4   Wumper 10:58.500 97.13% 1.27 (11:23:15) after dying 5billion times
5   Lavableman 11:05.316 96.14% 1.27 [04:46:21]
6   tvrobot10 12:06.066 88.10% 1.27 [00:20:44]
7   matthew2837 15:11.783 70.15% 1.27 Favorite category
8   LWHazel 15:19.833 69.54% 1.27 [1:43:44] Fish time