Spelunky 2 - MossRacing: No Teleporter Duat%

A run ending with the player beating the game and exiting on 7-4 after collecting the Hedjet/Crown, Ankh, Scepter, Tablet of Destiny, and carrying the correct Ushabti to 6-3. Teleporting by any means is forbidden.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   ivyoary 6:50.300 100.00% 1.27 Stream 3 [6:45:03]
2   Wumper 6:59.300 97.85% 1.27 (6:34:35) godshabti
3   ZSRoach 7:20.566 93.13% 1.27
4   Lavableman 7:23.400 92.54% 1.27 [01:26:24]
5   iTheBeep 7:39.616 89.27% 1.27 [5:56:19] PB!!
6   Douji 7:45.666 88.11% 1.27 3rd
7   HDEEE_ 7:53.500 86.65% 1.27 10:44:26
8   Biggiecheesa_ 8:10.783 83.60% 1.27 bad submition, sorry 🐀
9   Ormu 9:07.866 74.89% 1.27 bad
10   Spiff 9:17.550 73.59% 1.27 30:30
11   flightman 9:19.600 73.32% 1.27 [6:12:05]
12   Pau 9:41.466 70.56%
13   Gugubo 10:40.266 64.08% 1.27
14   KyRZy 10:53.600 62.78% 1.27 [0142:00]
15   Man_eats_pizza 10:57.533 62.40% 1.27 default MossRacing: No TP Duat% (same as MossRacing: Chain Low% Duat)
16   matthew2837 11:21.100 60.24% 1.27
17   tvrobot10 12:06.066 56.51% 1.27 default MossRacing: No TP Duat% (same as MossRacing: Chain Low% Duat)
18   sunsetbyplane 13:10.933 51.88% 1.27 m bison implies the existence of xl bison
19   Cosine 13:22.483 51.13% 1.27 [03:13:42]
20   Madison 15:19.833 44.61% 1.27 default MossRacing: No TP Duat% (same as MossRacing: Chain Low% Duat)
21   GC 17:59.083 38.02% 1.27 4:14:24