Spelunky 2 - MossRacing: No Teleporter Eggplant%

A run ending with the player completing the game and exiting on 7-4 with the Eggplant Crown. Teleporting by any means is forbidden.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Version Video Comment
1   Ormu 6:16.300 100.00% 1.27 [2:02.00 second stream] ACTUAL PB!
2   ivyoary 6:28.000 96.98% 1.27 Stream 3 [6:11:08
3   Lavableman 6:32.966 95.76% 1.27 [03:12:00]
4   Wumper 6:40.050 94.06% 1.25.2 (8:31:10) 4-2 altar wohoo
5   Douji 6:46.666 92.53% 1.27 4th Session - 54:03
6   Man_eats_pizza 6:54.216 90.85% 1.27 Stream 3, 1:39:00
7   ZSRoach 7:04.166 88.72% 1.27
8   HDEEE_ 7:11.116 87.29% 1.27 12:06:13
9   tvrobot10 7:22.450 85.05% 1.27 [00:34:39]
10   iTheBeep 7:25.416 84.48% 1.27 good. very
11   Biggiecheesa_ 7:42.766 81.32% 1.27 🐀
12   Gugubo 7:48.383 80.34% 1.27 Main PB (real)
13   Cloiss 7:58.550 78.63% 1.27 [0:48:01] beloved ntngeggy, funny heavystate
14   Spiff 8:41.716 72.13% 1.27 stream 4 8:31.45
15   KyRZy 9:02.166 69.41% 1.27 [02:55:55]
16   sunsetbyplane 9:27.316 66.33% 1.27 🍌 live banana reaction 🍌
17   matthew2837 9:32.716 65.70% 1.27
18   flightman 9:59.500 62.77% 1.27 [4:37:57] also abzu
19   Cosine 12:18.216 50.97% 1.27 [09:00:36]
20   GC 24:17.366 25.82% 1.27 4:52:27