Spelunky HD - Pacifist Bookskip Hell%

A Bookskip Hell% run ending with the player having an enemy kill count of 0 at the 5-4 exit. To complete and verify the run, the player must do one of the following:

  • With the enter door icon visible, end adventure at the final exit.
  • Complete the run with a valid pacifist tracker displayed for the entire run. See the Pacifist tab for a list of approved trackers.
Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   Hectique 6:23.213 100.00% Default: same as No TP Pacifist Bookskip Hell%
2   SoulAro 6:56.786 91.94% Default: same as Max Pacifist Bookskip Hell%
3   YanYan 8:06.283 78.80% Default: same as No TP Pacifist Bookskip Hell%
4   GC 11:54.172 53.66% sparsest olmec pushblocks I've ever seen
5   jjg27 24:10.641 26.42% Default: same as Max Pacifist Bookskip Hell%
6   tvrobot10 27:16.846 23.41% Default: same as Pacifist Low% Hell