Spelunky Challenges - Spelunky Triathlon - All Achievements

An RTA run where the player must complete Spelunky Classic All Achievements, Spelunky HD All Achievements (RTA), and Spelunky 2 All Achievements in order.

Timing instructions for each segment can be found on their individual categories; the final time is the combined time of each individual game's segment RTA.

Rank Player Time Rating Spelunker Platform Video Comment
1   BlueRed 8:48:57.316 100.00% 3:08/3:46/1:53 this category makes me want to go AAAAAA
2   Cloiss 9:29:45.033 92.84% 3:19/3:40/2:30 slowish classic/hd but got teleporter in s2
3   LWHazel 13:22:09.633 65.94% I backed my car into a cop car the other day