
Spelunky HD - First Completion Timeline

  • While almost every run listed below is known to be the first completion of its respective category, there are a small handful, in particular those from 2012, that are simply the earliest known videos showing a full run of a certain category.
  • This timeline details the progression of new challenges completed within the game, hence the following category types otherwise listed on MossRanking are omitted here: No Teleporter variants, Shortcut categories, non-Low% Bookskip categories, Segments. Score categories are omitted, however a couple of important milestones are included.
  • RTA categories are included, where a first completion is understood to mean the first single-session recorded completion. Tutorial and Loadless variants are omitted.


Category Player Date Time
Spelunky HD released on Xbox 360 2012-07-04
Any% Jollygoodfellowz 2012-07-12 6:52.133
No Gold Jollygoodfellowz 2012-07-20 11:12.000
Big Money IGIPNP 2012-08-17 40:00.598
Chain Hell% IGIPNP 2012-08-23 1:04:14.729
& Jumbo Money IGIPNP same run as above


Category Player Date Time
Spelunky HD released on PC 2013-08-08
Low% Latedog 2013-10-04 4:26.691
Chain Eggplant% Bananasaurus Rex 2013-11-10 1:16:41.000
No Gold Chain Hell% Pibonacci 2013-11-11 25:43.163
Draining Olmec Samots 2013-12-13 22:34.581
All Shortcuts (RTA) Bum 2013-12-13 23:41.590
All Journal Entries (RTA) Bum 2013-12-22 1:26:05.300


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Low% Pibonacci 2014-01-26 4:03.301
First $3 Million Score run Bananasaurus Rex 2014-02-22 $3,105,850
Chain Low% Hell Latedog 2014-03-10 30:22.875
Pacifist Any% Buddy7heElf 2014-03-11 12:29.341
Chain Shield Run Latedog 2014-03-31 37:17.270
No Gold Max Chain Hell% Pibonacci 2014-05-14 21:04.621
& Max Chain Hell% Pibonacci same run as above
Snowball% krille71 2014-05-20 26:09.865
No Gold Chain Eggplant% Pibonacci 2014-06-07 42:45.263
No% Bum 2014-06-29 9:16.683
No Gold Chain Low% Hell Pibonacci 2014-08-02 25:18.988
Haunted Max Chain Hell% pdxbla 2014-08-08 35:10.094
Max Chain Low% Hell Pibonacci 2014-10-17 20:46.169
Max Low% Pibonacci 2014-12-17 4:26.538
All Shortcuts + Olmec (RTA) Bum 2014-12-19 17:58.240


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Max Low% d_tea 2015-01-03 4:40.035
Max Chain Shield Run krille71 2015-02-11 34:21.843
Haunted Max Low% Bum 2015-04-18 5:41.399
Pacifist Chain Hell% krille71 2015-06-16 34:16.676
No Gold Max Chain Low% Hell d_tea 2015-06-27 21:50.908
Basejump% Brutwarst 2015-08-19 14:39.404
Max Chain Eggplant% curticus 2015-09-12 19:11.972

The video for the first Max Chain Eggplant% completion is lost. The earliest known video is the second completion by twiggle, only two days later on 2015-09-14 with a 32:56.457.


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Pacifist Chain Hell% krille71 2016-01-06 32:51.370
Low% Big Money Buddy7heElf 2016-01-20 58:43.733
Key to Yama saturnin55 2016-05-01 39:43.465
Landmine% ix 2016-11-20 15:49.297
Haunted Max Chain Low% Hell Kinnijup 2016-12-21 15:11.258


Category Player Date Time
All Characters (RTA) Konato_K 2017-01-17 3:22:11.120
Low% Firepot ix 2017-03-10 4:53.838
Reverse Shortcut Low% MikeIsMyIke 2017-08-12 18:51.410
All Achievements (RTA) ix 2017-08-19 5:49:05.000
No Gold Haunted Max Low% falafel_raptor 2017-08-26 6:24.434


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Haunted Max Chain Hell% ix 2018-02-26 9:06.489
No Gold Haunted Max Chain Eggplant% Kinnijup 2018-04-29 22:09.561
& Haunted Max Chain Eggplant% Kinnijup same run as above
& No Gold Max Chain Eggplant% Kinnijup same run as above
Voidmec Chain Hell% ix 2018-08-12 45:42.875
Udjat Run Spef 2018-09-26 35:25.413
Low% Petrock Carlibraun 2018-10-18 4:33.192


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Max Pacifist Chain Hell% ix 2019-01-23 22:54.973
& Max Pacifist Chain Hell% ix same run as above
No Gold Chain Shield Run ix 2019-02-26 23:02.982
Haunted Max Pacifist Chain Hell% ix 2019-03-25 16:23.865
Pacifist Low% ix 2019-04-12 4:23.496
Scepter Run Kirby703 2019-08-15 22:17.541
Book of the Dead Run ix 2019-09-02 20:52.218
Ankh Run BronxTaco 2019-09-24 29:20.086
Kirbywarp Kirby703 2019-09-29 1:18:06.400
Amulet Run BronxTaco 2019-10-12 26:58.150
Hedjet Run BronxTaco 2019-11-30 31:58.084


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Haunted Max Chain Low% Hell Kinnijup 2020-02-04 19:45.198
Max No% Carlibraun 2020-02-24 8:18.185
Max Chain Low% Eggplant (4-2 eggplant) Spef 2020-04-01 16:48.008
& Chain Low% Eggplant (4-2 eggplant) Spef same run as above
No Gold Haunted Max Pacifist Chain Hell% GC 2020-05-26 27:20.906


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Pacifist Low% GC 2021-01-29 5:18.067
Pacifist Chain Eggplant% GC 2021-02-05 29:53.324


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Max Chain Shield Run jjg27 2022-02-04 34:09.057
Max Pacifist Low% GC 2022-02-05 12:01.775
Pacifist No% jjg27 2022-02-21 12:24.484
No Gold Max Pacifist Low% jjg27 2022-03-21 18:20.386
Haunted Max Pacifist Low% GC 2022-06-01 23:34.935
Max Pacifist Chain Eggplant% Hectique 2022-08-18 32:39.495
Bookskip glitch discovered riverrun, 2022-09-25
Low% Hell Hectique 2022-09-25 20:13.349
Low% Eggplant Hectique 2022-09-26 36:21.312
Low% Hell Petrock tvrobot10 2022-11-15 39:21.211
Pacifist Low% Hell tvrobot10 2022-11-17 27:16.846
No Gold Low% Hell GC 2022-11-26 32:05.536
No% Hell MatheManiac-Alphaminx 2022-11-29 32:11.213
Pacifist Chain Low% Hell GC 2022-12-24 28:38.601
No Gold Haunted Max Pacifist Low% Hectique 2022-12-28 24:31.984
Haunted Max Low% Hell jjg27 2022-12-29 25:41.068
& Max Low% Hell jjg27 same run as above


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Max Low% Eggplant Hectique 2023-03-07 21:44.104
& Max Low% Eggplant Hectique same run as above
& No Gold Low% Eggplant Hectique same run as above
No Gold Pacifist Low% Hell Hectique 2023-04-03 21:08.436
Max Pacifist Chain Low% Hell Hectique 2023-04-04 21:42.550
No Gold Haunted Max Low% Hell d_tea 2023-04-08 18:07.952
No Gold Haunted Max Low% Eggplant Hectique 2023-04-13 17:44.153
& Haunted Max Low% Eggplant Hectique same run as above
Pacifist Chain Shield Run Hectique 2023-05-03 18:06.472
Credits Warp Kirby703 2023-05-17 1:09:55.251


Category Player Date Time
No Gold Haunted Max Pacifist Low% Hell Hectique 2024-03-10 41:20.378
& Max Pacifist Low% Hell Hectique same run as above
& Haunted Max Pacifist Low% Hell Hectique same run as above
& No Gold Max Pacifist Low% Hell Hectique same run as above
No Gold Pacifist Chain Low% Hell Hectique 2024-03-28 20:52.453
Pacifist Low% Eggplant Hectique 2024-07-17 17:23.871
Chain Low% Eggplant (1-2 eggplant) Hectique 2024-11-30 27:17.086