Moss Ranking Calculation Details for The Mad Murf



Best 10 / 18  
Category WR The Mad Murf Formula % Bonus Points
All Shortcuts + Olmec (RTA)  14:57.630 25:43.920 14:57.630 / 25:43.920 58.14% 1,000 5,814
No Teleporter Any%  2:09.339 4:24.067 2:09.339 / 4:24.067 48.98% 1,000 4,898
Low%  2:26.361 5:00.377 2:26.361 / 5:00.377 48.73% 1,000 4,873
Any%  1:34.557 4:24.067 1:34.557 / 4:24.067 35.81% 1,000 3,581
Chain Hell%  3:19.970 11:13.633 3:19.970 / 11:13.633 29.69% 1,000 2,969
No Gold  1:45.589 6:05.730 1:45.589 / 6:05.730 28.87% 1,000 2,887
All Journal Entries (RTA)  24:43.850 1:28:39.720 24:43.850 / 1:28:39.720 27.89% 1,000 2,789
Daily Average  6,134,352 1,661,312 1661312 / 6134352 27.08% 1,000 2,708
Score  7,877,950 1,911,750 1911750 / 7877950 24.27% 1,000 2,427
Max Any%  1:59.019 8:50.886 1:59.019 / 8:50.886 22.42% 1,000 2,242
Daily High Score  8,762,150 1,843,400 1843400 / 8762150 21.04% 1,000 2,104
Big Money  5:20.303 26:00.933 5:20.303 / 26:00.933 20.52% 1,000 2,052
Max Chain Hell%  3:57.201 23:01.760 3:57.201 / 23:01.760 17.17% 500 1,717
Chain Low% Hell  4:55.016 295016 / — 0 0
Chain Eggplant%  6:31.171 391171 / — 0 0
No Gold Chain Hell%  3:56.765 236765 / — 0 0
No Gold Low%  2:34.515 154515 / — 0 0
Max Low%  3:22.950 202950 / — 0 0
Subtotal 12,500 35,187

Total 47,687

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