Spelunky HD - Recent Runs from d_tea

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Date Game Category Player Score/time Platform Video Comment
2024-04-07 Spelunky HD Speed IL Jungle Worm Low% d_tea 0:20.000 from max low pb
2024-04-07 Spelunky HD Max Low% d_tea 3:39.655 4/4/4 2:22 into temple...
2024-04-07 Spelunky HD Speed Area Temple d_tea 0:30.299 I know how to teleporter olmec
2024-04-04 Spelunky HD Speed IL Jungle to Black Market Low% d_tea 0:03.000 fumbled the exit
2024-04-04 Spelunky HD Bookskip Eggplant% d_tea 10:31.568 Default: same as Low% Eggplant
2024-04-04 Spelunky HD Low% Eggplant d_tea 10:31.568 setting up bookskip is tricky without the whip
2024-04-04 Spelunky HD Low% Big Money d_tea 16:36.585 olmec win
2024-03-18 Spelunky HD Speed IL Black Market Chain Low% Hell d_tea 0:12.700 fake strat
2024-03-18 Spelunky HD Speed Pace Temple Chain Low% Hell d_tea 2:04.800 made it to 4-1 before anubis did
2024-03-18 Spelunky HD Speed Pace Ice Caves Chain Low% Hell d_tea 1:18.500 thank you BM mantrap
2024-03-11 Spelunky HD Temple Shortcut Low% d_tea 0:42.700 potential sub 40 but it's not fair I had no time to warm up
2024-03-11 Spelunky HD Speed Area Temple Low% d_tea 0:42.700 Default: same as Temple Shortcut Low%
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD Speed Area Temple Chain Hell% d_tea 0:46.400 REAL
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD Speed IL Temple Anubis d_tea 0:06.100 whipped the scepter away unfortunately
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD No Teleporter Max Chain Hell% d_tea 4:21.618 slight 5-3 issue but otherwise once in a lifetime lategame
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD No Teleporter Any% d_tea 2:14.434 why does olmec kill my sub 2:10... also no compass
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD Speed Pace Hell Low% d_tea 3:45.300 2:39 pace low% run into decent bookskip
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD Low% Hell d_tea 5:26.666 666
2024-03-10 Spelunky HD No Gold Low% d_tea 2:50.599 neat
2024-03-09 Spelunky HD Pacifist Low% d_tea 4:19.164 Default: same as NG Pacifist Low%
2024-03-09 Spelunky HD No Gold Pacifist Low% d_tea 4:19.164 no% robbed by olmec stun (but not really I got 0 spawns)
2024-03-09 Spelunky HD No Teleporter Pacifist Any% d_tea 4:19.164 Default: same as NG Pacifist Low%
2024-03-09 Spelunky HD No Teleporter No Gold Pacifist Any% d_tea 4:19.164 Default: same as NG Pacifist Low%
2024-03-09 Spelunky HD No Gold Chain Hell% d_tea 4:01.285 Interrupted Anubis' bath and had a 15s Olmec meltdown
2024-03-05 Spelunky HD Speed IL Tutorial 0-3 d_tea 0:09.750